Omali Yeshitela-- RE: Barak Obama: WHITE POWER IN BLACK FACE

Publié le par Munsa Mâga

Omali Yeshitela

Orateur dynamique et puissant, le théoricien brillant, le Président du Parti Socialiste des Africains , le fondateur du journal de Lance Brûlant qui a publié continuellement depuis les années 60.

Auteur du nouveau livre puissant, Une Afrique! Une Nation!

40 ans de direction, leadership hardi et engagement inébranlable à la lutte pour l'autodétermination de la communauté africaine.

Autrefois connu comme Joseph Waller, le jeune leader ardent de la Junte d'Organisations Militantes (JOMO) dans les années 1960, Omali Yeshitela est aujourd'hui un vétéran dans la lutte pour la liberté Africaine, donnant la continuité et l'expérience au mouvement de libération d'Africains comme il reconstruit dans le 21e siècle.

Un théoricien révolutionnaire et un orateur  fascinant, Yeshitela affirme que l'africain et d'autres peuples opprimés dont le travail(la main-d'œuvre) forment le piédestal des ressources  et de la richesse sur lequel se repose les mondiaux occidentaux, est maintenant dans une position stratégique pour passer au-devant de la crise économique et sociale d'aujourd'hui.
Il a forgé une stratégie pratique pour la libération africaine qui a été saluée par des leaders du Zaïre, du Rwanda, de la Côte d'Ivoire, le Sud-Africain et l'Angleterre à la conférence 1997 du Socialiste Africain International.

Aux Etats-Unis, le Président Omali Yeshitela a construit le Parti Socialiste des Africains (APSP),  fondé en 1972 pour "Compléter(Achever) la Révolution Noire".
Depuis ce temps l'APSP a établi la Maison d'Uhuru  la Communauté Noire organisant des centres dans tout le pays; fondé le Mouvement Uhuru Démocratique Populaire national (InPDUM) pour défendre les droits démocratiques de la Communauté Africaine; et institutions économiques construites contrôlées et destinées à la classe ouvrière africaine, comme la Gymnastique Noire d'Uhuru  à St.-Pétersbourg, en Floride, le siège social national de l'APSP'S.

Après le meurtre d'un automobiliste africain Tyron Lewis à St.-Pétersbourg,par la police en Octobre 1997, l'InPDUM a construit un modèle pour la lutte à base de communauté réussie(fructueuse) pour arrêter la brutalité  policière, y compris la mise en place d'une Coalition de Direction(Leadership) Noire américaine dont Yeshitela est  membre.

Le président Omali sert aussi d' avocat pour les interets des travailleurs Africains et les personnes ayant fai de faibles revenus, sur la Commission Consultative du Citoyen établie par HUD le Secrétaire Henry Cisneros pour administrer des sommes d'argent de subvention(d'octroi) fédérales à la suite de deux rébellions communautaires africaines de la dernière chute(automne). Selon Cisneros, Omali Yeshitela est "une personne qui touche, qui ouvre une voie sérieuse.
 J'ai découvert une personne réfléchie qui avait des choses importantes à dire."

Le président Omali Yeshitela est disponible pour des entretiens(interviews) et des engagements parlants. Contactez Uhuru Voyage à 727-894-6997 ou

Omali Yeshitela

Dynamic and powerful speaker, brilliant theoretician, Chairman of the African People's Socialist Party, founder of The Burning Spear newspaper which has published continuously since the 60s.

Author of the powerful new book, One Africa! One Nation!

40 years of bold leadership and unwavering commitment to the struggle for the self-determination of the African community.

Formerly known as Joseph Waller, the fiery young leader of the Junta of Militant Organizations (JOMO) in the 1960s, Omali Yeshitela is today a veteran in the struggle for African freedom, giving continuity and experience to the liberation movement of African people as it rebuilds into the 21st Century.

A ground-breaking theoretician and riveting speaker, Yeshitela contends that African and other oppressed people s whose labor and resources form the pedestal upon which the wealth of the western world rests, are now in a strategic position to lead the way out of today's economic and social crisis. He has forged a practical strategy for African liberation that was hailed by leaders from Zaire, Rwanda, Ivory Coast, South African and England at the 1997 conference of the African Socialist International.

In the U.S., Chairman Omali Yeshitela has built the African People's Socialist Party (APSP), founded in 1972 to "Complete the Black Revolution". Since that time the APSP has established Uhuru House black community organizing centers around the country; founded the National People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) to defend the democratic rights of the African community; and built economic institutions controlled by and benefiting the African working class, such as Uhuru's Black Gym of Our Own in St. Petersburg, Florida, the APSP's national headquarters.

Following the October, 1997 police murder of African motorist Tyron Lewis in St. Petersburg, the InPDUM has built a model for successful community-based struggle to stop police brutality, including the building of an African American Leadership Coalition of which Yeshitela is a member. Chairman Omali also serves as an advocate for the intersts of African working and poor people on the Citizen's Advisory Commission established by the-HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros to administer federal grant monies in the wake of the last fall's two African community rebellions. According to Cisneros, Omali Yeshitela is "a person who touches livesin a serious way. I found him a thoughtful person who had some important things to say."

Chairman Omali Yeshitela is available for interviews and speaking engagements. Contact Uhuru Tours at 727-894-6997 or




Speaking History

  • Keynote, Congreso Internacional: Africa--Occidente in Huelva, Spain, November 2007
  • Keynote, Closing Ceremonies of Black History Month at U of Maryland-College Park, February 2007
  • African Youth Economic Emancipation Conference, May 2006
  • Keynote, expert meeting on action plan for combating racism in Holland, Rotterdam, Holland, November 2005
  • Keynote, Conference on Building Pan-Africanism for the 21st Century, Berlin, Germany, November 2005
  • Keynote, Global African Congress meeting, Surinam, November 2004
  • Keynote, Pan-Africanist Congress, Transkei University, Umtata, South Africa, December 2003
  • People’s Advocate, 12th Session of the World Tribunal on Reparations for African People, University of Pennsylvania, November 2003
  • Keynote, 8th Congress of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, Durban, South Africa, 2002
  • First World Tribunal on Reparations for African People, 1982
  • First Nicaraguan Solidarity Conference, 1980, representing African people in the U.S.

In recent years he has also spoken at the following institutions:

  • University of Maryland-College Park - February
  • Clark-Atlanta University - April 2006
  • Morehouse College, Africa Awareness Week - April 2006
  • Manatee Community College (Venice, FL) - April 2006
  • Medgar Evars College, Brooklyn, NY - February 2006
  • St. John's University, Queens, NY - February 2006
  • Bowie University, Maryland - October 2005
  • Lincoln University - October 2005
  • San Diego State University - October 2005
  • San Francisco State University - September 2005
  • UCLA - spring 2005
  • London School of Oceanic and Africana Studies - spring 2005
  • London South Bank University - spring 2005
  • Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL - spring 2005
  • New College of Sarasota, FL - fall 2004


  • Barnes & Noble, Brooklyn, NY - July 2006
  • Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco, CA - April 2006
  • Hue-man Bookstore, Harlem, NY - February 2006
  • Nubian Heritage Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY - February 2006
  • Borders Books, Philadelphia, PA - February 2006
  • Karibu Books, Washington, DC - October 2005
  • University of Pennsylvania book store - October 2005



Links ::


One Africa! One Nation!
The African Socialist International and the movement
to unite and liberate Africa and African people worldwide
(July 2006, 382 pages)

A historic collection of presentations explaining why Africa and all its resources must be liberated and in the hands of African workers and peasants in Africa and everywhere. This book documents the process of building the African Socialist International which is rapidly growing in countries throughout Africa, and in the U.S., the Caribbean and elsewhere around the world.


Available from Burning Spear Uhuru Publications


Omali Yeshitlea Speaks:
African Internationalism, Political Theory for our Time

(June 2005, 380 pages)

In a down-to-earth, easily understood style Yeshitela lays out the most profound concepts of his ground breaking, revolutionary theory of African Internationalism which exposes why African people are impoverished and catching hell everywhere on the planet while the white world is powerful and prosperous. Yeshitela's analysis from the point of view of the enslaved explains the nature of parasitic capitalism which is built on and maintained by slavery, genocide and colonial domination. With his vision for a positive future, the Chairman lays out his bold plan to liberate Africa and African people everywhere. With a foreword by Luwezi Kinshasa.

Available from Burning Spear Uhuru Publications


Social Justice and Economic Development for the African Community:
Why I became a Revolutionary

(1997, 28 page pamphlet)

In this concise pamphlet Chairman Yeshitela gives an autobiographical account of how he came to the conclusion that he must dedicate his life to the struggle for African freedom. Written after the St. Petersburg, Florida police murder of an African teenager during a traffic stop and subsequent rebellions, Yeshitela presents concrete proposals for black community economic development as opposed to the failed policies of police containment and brutality which plagues African communities throughout the U.S. This piece appeared first as a lengthy article written by Yeshitela in the St. Petersburg Times.

Available from Burning Spear Uhuru Publications


The Dialectics of Black Revolution:
The Struggle to Defeat the Counterinsurgency in the U.S.

(1997, 39 page pamphlet)

This popular and very relevant pamphlet reveals the "dialectical relationship between our own [African] impoverishment and the wealth and well-being of white people." The Chairman's Dialectics challenges the old time-worn formula for the development of capitalism that has been put forward by the white left and exposes it as white nationalist, colonialist and incorrect. Chairman Yeshitela then documents how the African community today is the target of a U.S. government counterinsurgency war which is responsible for the police containment policies that justify the police murders and brutalization of black people.

Available from Burning Spear Uhuru Publications


More publications:

  • Izwe Lethu I Afrika, 1992
  • The Politics of Black Revolution, first published 1989
  • The Road to Socialism is Painted Black, 1987
  • Not One Step Backwards, 1984
  • A New Beginning, 1984
  • Reparations Now!, 1983
  • Stolen Black Labor, 1982
  • The Struggle for Bread, Peace and Black Power, 1981
  • "Tactics and Strategy for Black Liberation," pamphlet 1978
  • The Burning Spear newspaper, 1968-present



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General Info

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Upcoming Events  
Houston, TX  

Sunday, October 18, 6:45pm

The Black Struggle in the Era of Obama

SHAPE Community Center
3815 Live Oak (at Read Street)
Houston, TX

  • Chairman Omali Yeshitela
  • Kofi Taharka, National Chair of the National Black United Front (NBUF)
  • Dr. Aisha Fields, Director of the All African People's Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP)
  • African culture: The 144 Elite

For more info contact:,
(281) 386-6442 or (713) 670-0443

Spread the word!

Monday, October 19, 11am-1pm

Black Nationalism Struggle in the Era of Obama

Texas Southern University
Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs
Rm 114
Tierwester and Cleburne Street in Houston

  • Chairman Omali Yeshitela
  • Kofi Taharka, National Chair of the National Black United Front (NBUF)
  • Robert Muhammad, Southeast Regional Representative, Nation of Islam

For more info contact:,
(281) 386-6442 or (713) 670-0443

Spread the word!


Past events beginning Sep. 2008  
Toronto, Ontario  
Thursday, Sep. 18, 10am-1pm

University of Toronto Must Atone Forum
OISE of the University of Toronto
Auditorium, 252 Bloor Street West

Sponsored by the
African Internationalist Student Organization
and the Reparations Committee at Univ. of Toronto

Oakland, CA  
Sunday, Dec. 7, 4pm-7pm

Yes We Can! Win Freedom in Our Lifetime
Uhuru House
7911 MacArthur Blvd

Sponsored by the
International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement

Oakland, CA  

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Open Session

African Community Organizing Meeting

U.S. War, Economy in Crisis & Police Terror Against the African Community

Uhuru House, 7911 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland

Sponsored by the
International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement

Tarpon Springs, FL  

Sunday, July 19, 10:30am

Why I became a revolutionary

Unitarian Universalist Church of Tarpon Springs
230 Grand Blvd. (at Read Street)
Tarpon Springs, FL

For more info call 727-821-6620.


Burning Spear Uhuru Publications is one of the publishing arms of the African People's Socialist Party, an African Internationalist organization based in the U.S. with branches around the world. For more information on the philosophy, work and goals of the African People's Socialist Party which leads the Uhuru Movement, visit the links page of this website.

© Burning Spear Uhuru Publications 2003-2009
All Rights Reserved World Wide
Problems with this website? Email: webmaster

Burning Spear Uhuru Publications and Uhuru Tours
P.O. Box 3757,
St. Petersburg, FL 33731-3757



November 6, 2008

Omali Yeshitela speaks on the election of Barack Obama as U.S. president

Omali Yeshitela African workers and peoples of the world:

On Tuesday, November 4 Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States to the obvious joy of millions of African people in the U.S. and around the world, especially in Africa, our national homeland. Other peoples of the world also welcomed the election of Obama. Read more...


February 8, 2008

New Video: Barack Obama - White Power in Black Face

"He hasn't said the word black out of his mouth, not even to talk about the color of his suit or his shoes! He cannot address the suffering of African people."

Check out this first in an ongoing series of vignettes by African People's Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela on the U.S. presidential candidacy of Barack Obama.




January 2, 2008 (call-in info updated January 14th):

International Call-in: Tell Boley "Hands of the Uhuru Movement"

From friends of the CEO to the family of the Director of Operations at Boley, housing vouchers and monies were being used for personal reasons. Auditors are saying Boley's missing $1 million - so where's the money? It's not in the African community! And they're attacking the Uhuru Movement. Participate in the Call-in...

Watch the video: Boley Exposed


December 24, 2007:
New Video: Chairman Omali says "Christmas is a celebration of our oppression"

Click on the video image to watch a dynamic presentation by Omali Yeshitela on the Truth About Christmas.

December 20, 2007:
Uhuru Member Arrested, Emergency Call-in Starts Dec. 20

Valerie Sanders, a member of the Uhuru Movement in St. Petersburg, Florida, is being held at the Pinellas County jail on false charges of grand theft. She is being framed by Boley Centers, Inc. because she spoke out after being fired for her affiliation with the Uhuru Movement.

Call the Pinellas County jail to demand her immediate release: 727-464-6391

December 8, 2007:
$10,000 needed for African-led development projects starting now in Sierra Leone

From the All African People's Development and Empowerment Project (

The All African People's Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP) needs $10,000 for a delegation of Africans from the U.S. to meet with communities in Sierra Leone about implementing several development projects. More...

September 24, 2007:
From Jena to Huntsville: We Ain't Through!

From the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (

Come to Huntsville, AL to build beyond Jena!
Our mobilization to Jena, Louisiana was a brilliant display of Black Power in motion. But it’s not enough. There are Jena’s throughout the U.S. that are crushing our people with the U.S. brand of justice every day. More...




A selection of past articles on Omali Yeshitela



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